Aim for the Bullseye!

“There is no future in any job. The future lies in the person who holds the job.”

_George W. Crane

RE: Genesis 1:1-27


I can see it now…at the dawn of creation…

God said “Let…”

If we had been there we would have seen rank upon rank and file upon file of possibilities lining up – a vast army of them – God’s infinite possibility army. 

When He created the universe it was almost like he did so by releasing a few carefully chosen possibilities.  Sort of like letting a little air out of a “possibilities balloon”.  Even then it appears He could barely controlled Himself. 

For example, according to Search labs | A.I. Overview there are more than 7,000 species of frogs and new species are discovered all the time. 

Oh our Father God had such fun creating!

But there is one subtle difference when it came to humans.  With the rest of creation he sorta of loosen his grip on the infinite balloon of possibilities and let a few escape.  But with we humans He intentionally created us, shaping and molding us into his very image.  “Let us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness.”  (Genesis 1:26)

And what were we created to do?

We were created to have dominion – to be put in charge of a small part of God’s vast creation and rule it well on His behalf and for His glory.

That’s an awesome privilege and responsibility.

Rory, I have been delighted by how you’ve excelled in archery.  It seems that when God was knitting you together in your mother’s womb He put in a little extra eye-to-hand coordination into you so that you can not only consistently hit the target but hit the bullseye!

Rory, there’s a lesson there.  Your life will go by quicker than you can imagine.  Don’t waste your life on letting things happen.  Yes, there will be a thousand things you’d like to do, but you will never hit the target unless you intentionally aim.

Rory, aim for something with your life!

And don’t just aim for the target – aim your life for the bullseye–that special and specific purpose that God created for. 

Never doubt it, God has a special and specific plan for your life.  He doesn’t just have some things for you to do, he has something for you to do.  Find it, aim for it and when you do, rule it well – for the glory and honor of God and the advancement of His purposes.

Love, Papa

Prayer: Father God, please guide Rory in the way you’d have him go.  Help him to submit early in life to your created purpose for him and then give him a keen aim so that he hits the bullseye.  Remove passivity, apathy, and equivocation from Rory. Give him courage, vision, and a backbone to follow your call on his life.

I ask this for all of my grandchildren.

All for your glory and the advancement of your purposes.  Amen.