“Am I Saved?” pastor Loran Livingston, September 22, 2019
Today pastor Loran reminded us that we are saved by God’s grace, but we all have to examine our hearts and our lives and see if our personal life display an evidence of being transformed by God? In the Scriptures we read about the following marks that describe a true believer in Christ Jesus:
1. They Love Jesus Christ. ( And they love Him with all their hearts, souls and minds.)
2. They Pray. ( Prayer is a “respiratory system” for our spiritual man. )
3. They Read Bible. ( And they not just read but they love studying God Word and they do it daily.)
4. They stop sinning. ( Bible clearly describes a sinner like a person who practices sin.)
5. They are eagerly waiting for Jesus Christ return. ( Every Child of God is waiting for their Savior to come back for them. Believing that our Lord Jesus can come any time – will help you to live right and treat people right.)
Ask yourself today: Are you saved? Does your life imitate His Word? We should always remind ourselves that if we truly love God He should devote all of our lives and all our time to Him and not just a fraction of it. Let our lives reflect our love to our Lord Jesus Christ in everything we do, everything we say and in the way how we do our daily life.