AMEN!!! RT @bibliata we need to get back, to the basics of life, a heart that is pure, and a love that is blind #ourCOG #bibliata ourCOG July 28, 2011 3:54 am #ourCOG 103 AMEN!!! RT @bibliata we need to get back, to the basics of life, a heart that is pure, and a love that is blind #ourCOG #bibliata Facebook Comments #ourCOG tweets By ourCOG Related Posts The 3 people still left from the #COGBTS c/o ’21 are in great shape and may be running for the Exec. committee. #ourCOG #LeeHomecoming2011 Nope, It’s Not Always The Way You Think It Is #ourCOG #ourCOG The Apostolic Faith (May, 1907) #ourCOG Two things that amaze God- lack of faith and our childlike faith – David Cooper… #ourCOG