an emotional week

Wednesday will be a tough day for us. Our daughter Jessica and her 4 month old baby girl, Sophia will be leaving us and heading back to their home in Guatemala. Actually, Sophie has never been there. She was born prematurely on April 22 and the doctors have just released her. If you haven’t heard the story, you can catch up here: It was a miracle!
We can’t express how grateful we are to God for the miracles of the last four months. We easily could have lost both of them. Our sincere appreciation for all the prayers!
While we will miss that little baby terribly, we know that they are doing what God wants them to do. Jessica and her husband Josh are Directors at Casa Shalom orphanage in San Lucas, Guatemala. It would be very selfish and shortsighted of us to wish they would stay in the States. So, tearfully, we will treasure these memories and say goodbye.
This has been about the best 4 months of my life. I love being Sophie’s Pop!