Author: ourCOG

Good news…you’ll lose 30 pounds today of all days! Bad news…you’re a turkey! #ourCOG

Good'll lose 30 pounds today of all days! Bad're a turkey! #ourCOG »

what are the TOP churches in the state of NE? anyone? #ourCOG

what are the TOP churches in the state of NE? anyone? #ourCOG »

RT @Cog_Swagger: Tomorrow I start my annual "laying out the turkey" service. I anoint it with oil and we see who the first to drop is. Im feeling it #ourCOG

RT @Cog_Swagger: Tomorrow I start my annual "laying out the turkey" service. I anoint it with oil and we see who the first to drop is. Im feeling it #ourCOG »

@Cog_Swagger do u advocate celebrating #Hannukah or #Kwanzaa during this time of Christ’s birth? #ourCoG

@Cog_Swagger do u advocate celebrating #Hannukah or #Kwanzaa during this time of Christ's birth? #ourCoG »