Author: ourCOG

Wow this also seems to be a meeting of the Mohawk tribe #nywc #nywc11 #ourCOG

Wow this also seems to be a meeting of the Mohawk tribe #nywc #nywc11 #ourCOG »

There is a Crack in Your Armor

There is a Crack in Your Armor

Perry Stone teaches on the spiritual armor. »

Ken Shelton Music

Ken Shelton Music

Hey friends, For some time now, I’ve wanted to write and perform acoustic music that expresses the worshiper’s journey through all the aspects of life: worship, love, family and everyday life experiences.  After some thought about how to proceed, some … Continue reading → »

@inmanstcoffee I like my coffee that same way I like my Church: small, very little light and very bitter. #ourCOG

@inmanstcoffee I like my coffee that same way I like my Church: small, very little light and very bitter. #ourCOG »