Author: ourCOG

A family is a coalition of sinners who will b themselves, but who, in Christ, can respond to sin w/ forgiveness & change! #ourCoG

A family is a coalition of sinners who will b themselves, but who, in Christ, can respond to sin w/ forgiveness & change! #ourCoG »

RT @treskennedy: I just want it to be known that @JCWorley is the only guy I know that can pull of the fedora. #ourCOG #nywc11

RT @treskennedy: I just want it to be known that @JCWorley is the only guy I know that can pull of the fedora. #ourCOG #nywc11 »

Surprise party for @taralanae20 was a success! Always a pleasure to be with the Hill family! #ourCOG hahaha

Surprise party for @taralanae20 was a success! Always a pleasure to be with the Hill family! #ourCOG hahaha »

You guys wanna see my little dog? #ThingsJesusWontSay #ourCOG

You guys wanna see my little dog? #ThingsJesusWontSay #ourCOG »