Author: ourCOG

On my way to @inmanstcoffee to hang with Chris Schelich, an amazingly dedicated @High5kids1 worker #ourCOG #kidmin

On my way to @inmanstcoffee to hang with Chris Schelich, an amazingly dedicated @High5kids1 worker #ourCOG #kidmin »

I have a 9-9-9 plan for #ourCOG : 9 – % more to HQ 9 – more overseers (Cleveland needs one) 9 – more years of @RFCulpepper (or Dennis Page)

I have a 9-9-9 plan for #ourCOG : 9 - % more to HQ 9 - more overseers (Cleveland needs one) 9 - more years of @RFCulpepper (or Dennis Page) »

Teaching Your Kids to Do Big Things

Teaching Your Kids to Do Big Things

Everything that your children do that they haven’t done before is potentially a BIG thing.  Uncharted territory. New. A big deal. Swimming. Riding a bike. Jumping off a high dive.  These are big things. We ought to teach and lead our kids to attempt Big things.  Watching my 4 year old daughter jump from the [...] »

To begin reading, start with Listening to the Beliefs of the Emerging Church by Webber. -Dr. Jerald Daffe #ourCOG

To begin reading, start with Listening to the Beliefs of the Emerging Church by Webber. -Dr. Jerald Daffe #ourCOG »