Author: ourCOG

One of the teens last night gave their heart to Jesus! I ran in there and pored my communion cup on the youth pastor’s head. #ourCOG

One of the teens last night gave their heart to Jesus! I ran in there and pored my communion cup on the youth pastor's head. #ourCOG »


I have just completed a brand new DVD that gives adescriptive breakdown on the responsibilities of the LMR (local church missionsrepresentative).The purpose of the video is to inform the LMR on how toorganize and develop a missions program for the chur... »

My brother’s television repair company is not doing… great. So I gave him two words that will change everything: pot luck. #ourCOG

My brother's television repair company is not doing... great. So I gave him two words that will change everything: pot luck. #ourCOG »

My car is having engine problems. Should I let the shadow of HQ heal it or put olive oil in it? #ourCOG

My car is having engine problems. Should I let the shadow of HQ heal it or put olive oil in it? #ourCOG »