Author: ourCOG

NVision Ministry Conference, “Equipped to Serve”

THIS Saturday, November 12th, 8:30 AM -12:30 pm. This conference will equip you for ministry and self-development. You can register by calling Pastor Angela Raker in the church office or Saturday morning before the conference. Childcare and snacks pro... »

Live Nativity

There are only 42 days left, and it is not too late to participate. The Live Nativity will meet this Sunday, November 13th immediately following second service. »

Angel Tree Candidates

The Angel Tree is to help provide families with children ages infants to 6th grade assistance for Christmas. »

GLORY RT @Will_Carson4 @Cog_Swagger …what about the Jerhico march. Up north. In snow….#MIcog #ourcog #beingCOG

GLORY RT @Will_Carson4 @Cog_Swagger ...what about the Jerhico march. Up north. In snow....#MIcog #ourcog #beingCOG »