Author: ourCOG

The Strange Signs of the Dead Fish #ourCOG

The Strange Signs of the Dead Fish #ourCOG »

Looking Back… Speaking LOUDLY Today

Looking Back… Speaking LOUDLY Today

Sometimes we make folks mad.. and that's OK Today I was reading in 2 Corinthians chapter 7 where Paul is talking about how his previous letter upset the people at Corinth, and he says in verse 8 that he did not regret it, because (vs 9) his making t... »

How Wonderful is the Family of God!

How Wonderful is the Family of God!

When we think of the family of God, we often picture the local church we attend or perhaps the denomination we are connected with. This view of the “family” is very narrow compared to the true scope and size of the Christian community around the ... »

Inside the Ministry March 22, 2011

"Purging Your House"  close to making New York Times Best Seller List "Breaking the Millennial Code" DVD available soon Griffin and Grandville Conferences coming up Update on Omega Center International Nearing completion of the Study Bible ... »