Author: ourCOG

No Medicinal marijuana! Fine I will take my viagra. #ourCOG

No Medicinal marijuana! Fine I will take my viagra. #ourCOG »

Aged Ministers Sunday!!!! Give as much as you can! Marijuana… Medicinal marijuana is not cheep! #ourCOG

Aged Ministers Sunday!!!! Give as much as you can! Marijuana... Medicinal marijuana is not cheep! #ourCOG »

Sifted For Service

Sunday October 30, 2011  8:30 am - Pastor Ronnie Reid »

I have a friend that allowed me to make a mistake in front of the Church … I will make sure he seats at the kiddie table in heaven #ourCOG

I have a friend that allowed me to make a mistake in front of the Church ... I will make sure he seats at the kiddie table in heaven #ourCOG »