Author: ourCOG

The way me and all, both, of my friends celebrate #ReformationDay is by nailing our church bulletin to non- #ourCOG people’s doors. COG COG

The way me and all, both, of my friends celebrate #ReformationDay is by nailing our church bulletin to non- #ourCOG people's doors. COG COG »

overthinking the World Series

overthinking the World Series

I’ve been a St. Louis Cardinals fan all my life. Having grown up a few miles from Busch Stadium, some of the best memories of my life involve Cardinals baseball. Last night’s World Series game was one of the more exciting games in history – unless you’re a pure baseball fan. For the casual observer, [...] »

Soooo excited for #ReformationDay on Monday. My grandson will be helping me pass out small copies of the 95 Theses instead of candy. #ourCOG

Soooo excited for #ReformationDay on Monday. My grandson will be helping me pass out small copies of the 95 Theses instead of candy. #ourCOG »

RT @Cog_Swagger: My great grand child wants to go Disney. That is right saint! Pagan Disney world! #ourCOG

RT @Cog_Swagger: My great grand child wants to go Disney. That is right saint! Pagan Disney world! #ourCOG »