Author: ourCOG

Covenant People- Covenant of Salt


d day is here

d day is here

On Thursday (day after tomorrow) some crazy friends and I will be riding our bikes 120 miles. We are doing so to raise funds for the children of International Orphan Support, a non-profit organization that exists to address the plight of needy orphans in 3rd world countries. The trek is around the 2nd largest lake [...] »

Tickets booked for #Haiti. Greatly anticipating my time there, interviewing people + documenting the ongoing humanitarian work. #ourcog

Tickets booked for #Haiti. Greatly anticipating my time there, interviewing people + documenting the ongoing humanitarian work. #ourcog »

RT @Cog_Swagger: #Youwannaimpressme** … can you humm the whole of the Red back Hymnal? I don’t think so. #ourCOG

RT @Cog_Swagger: #Youwannaimpressme** ... can you humm the whole of the Red back Hymnal? I don't think so. #ourCOG »