Author: ourCOG

It FIRES me UP when the people around me get FIRED UP about new ways to reach people 4 Jesus. @zachbailey92 #riseup #elementchats #ourCOG

It FIRES me UP when the people around me get FIRED UP about new ways to reach people 4 Jesus. @zachbailey92 #riseup #elementchats #ourCOG »

Special Thank You to NorthEnd Rentals!

As pastor of Bethesda Church of God, I would like to issue a very special thank you to North End Rentals for their donation of the tent and chairs used for this years Tent Revival. I pray that God will especially bless their business. Please visit them... »

Power of Change

The other night our power went out for several hours. When I was a kid, this was always exciting. My dad worked for the power company and sometimes I would get to go out on a trouble call with him. This most recent time was not so exciting. This has be... »

Pastor spoke on some ways to break a stronghold: 1)The Word. 2)the name of Jesus. #Truth #ourCOG #thafire #ncog

Pastor spoke on some ways to break a stronghold: 1)The Word. 2)the name of Jesus. #Truth #ourCOG #thafire #ncog »