Author: ourCOG

I have no clue who Phineas & Ferb are; but if they are such good builders we need them to help build a better tomorrow for the #ourCOG

I have no clue who Phineas & Ferb are; but if they are such good builders we need them to help build a better tomorrow for the #ourCOG »

The #ourCOG was started by Spurling who’s "burden was for the ‘simple’" ( #LikeAMightArmy 9)

The #ourCOG was started by Spurling who's "burden was for the 'simple'" ( #LikeAMightArmy 9) »

Im Forgetting Sarah Marshall and thinking of our loving papa; #ourCOG GO Raymond "Daddy" Culpepper

Im Forgetting Sarah Marshall and thinking of our loving papa; #ourCOG GO Raymond "Daddy" Culpepper »

@Cog_Swagger Don’t #calvinist #baptists have more influence in #ourCOG than the AG guys now?

@Cog_Swagger Don't #calvinist #baptists have more influence in #ourCOG than the AG guys now? »