Author: ourCOG

Wednesday Adult Discipleship; The New Life

For the Wednesday Adult Discipleship class we have begun going through Andrew Murrays book called: An Exciting New Life. Come and join us as we learn about our new life in Christ and what it means to be a disciple. The excitement awaits….. »

Church Promo Video

Church Promo Video


Is the World Falling Apart?

Is the World Falling Apart?

Recently on the national news a commentator asked the question, “Is the world falling apart?” He was commenting on the earthquake and tsunami in Japan, the revolutions and uprisings in the Middle East, and the economic woes in America. The world ... »

What If Believers Were Really United?

What If Believers Were Really United?

Someone in the secular world made an observation about the Christian church in America. There were talking to a Christian woman who held a secular job that required the observation of groups of people to determine who might be a threat to America’s... »