Author: ourCOG

@TTWORC11 and #ourCOG yes the two commandments: make sure your church pays it’s tithe of tithe and don’t date Baptist girls

@TTWORC11 and #ourCOG yes the two commandments: make sure your church pays it's tithe of tithe and don't date Baptist girls »

#ourCOG my youngest step son says that the red back hymns are going to be remixed. More pipe organs and banjos would be awesome…word

#ourCOG my youngest step son says that the red back hymns are going to be remixed. More pipe organs and banjos would be awesome...word »

Saying NO Does Not Make It So

911 was a terrible moment in American history. Thousands of Americans died at the hands of terrorists. One particular fire department in New York City lost seven firemen. The community responded by naming a street “Seven in Heaven.” »

#txyouthcamp #ourCOG can the lord work that far away from Cleveland?

#txyouthcamp #ourCOG can the lord work that far away from Cleveland? »