Author: ourCOG

St. Complicated

Somebody asked me if a 6-day creation was literal. And of course I said “who cares?”, since a 6-day creation is the least impressive thing I read in your book of beginnings. But that thing you did when you separated light from darkness and water from sky and land from sea? Now that is really [...] »

thumbtacks in the road

thumbtacks in the road

One of my favorite bike riding trails in our area is Jupiter Island. The scenery is amazing, with ocean views as well as multi-million dollars mansions. There is relatively little car traffic. It is well-known as a bicycle trail so most drivers are courteous and make allowances for bikers. It’s a beautiful place to ride. [...] »

RT @bibliata: @Cog_Swagger @JosephADangelo @haleydyar @natetucker @jeremymoore Cleveland, do you read us? Congrats 2 @PaulConn 4 25th anniversary #ourCOG

RT @bibliata: @Cog_Swagger @JosephADangelo @haleydyar @natetucker @jeremymoore Cleveland, do you read us? Congrats 2 @PaulConn 4 25th anniversary #ourCOG »

@Cog_Swagger @JosephADangelo @haleydyar @natetucker @jeremymoore Cleveland, do you read us? Congrats 2 @PaulConn 4 25th anniversary #ourCOG

@Cog_Swagger @JosephADangelo @haleydyar @natetucker @jeremymoore Cleveland, do you read us? Congrats 2 @PaulConn 4 25th anniversary #ourCOG »