Author: ourCOG

First Week of Vacation 2011

First Week of Vacation 2011

This week we went to Virginia on Monday.  Karisa and Tegan were at Alethea's.  We went to see Alethea & Justin's new house in Winchester.  We went to Camdyn's swim practice and her baseball game.  On Thursday we made the trip ho... »

I motion 4 an addendum to the Dec.of Faith @ the 2012GA. "We believe in the verbal inspiration of the Bible and Like A Mighty Army." #OurCOG

I motion 4 an addendum to the Dec.of Faith @ the 2012GA. "We believe in the verbal inspiration of the Bible and Like A Mighty Army." #OurCOG »

Just read "Like A Mighty Army" again. It’sbetter every time. Such a #HolyBook!! Gods direct Word to Charlie Conn. #PraiseHim! #Glory #OurCOG

Just read "Like A Mighty Army" again. It'sbetter every time. Such a #HolyBook!! Gods direct Word to Charlie Conn. #PraiseHim! #Glory #OurCOG »

RT @revkevinwalker:If you’re any type of church leader (or a follower, for that matter) YOU need to read this by @renovatuspastor. #OurCOG

RT @revkevinwalker:If you're any type of church leader (or a follower, for that matter) YOU need to read this by @renovatuspastor. #OurCOG »