Author: ourCOG

"Unusual Prophecies Being Fulfilled" Book Release

"Unusual Prophecies Being Fulfilled" Book Release

Voice of Evangelism Outreach Ministries   Perry's newest book has just been released and is now available from the ministry and on the website!... »

Time, Flowing Like a River

This weekend my wife and I took a couple of days to get away by ourselves, and at one point we had a couple of hours to kill before we were to meet some of my family for dinner, she allowed me to take a trip down memory lane and tour some of my old sto... »

Three-Wheel Conestoga

Check it out on Google. You won’t find a three-wheeled Conestoga wagon in all the stories of the Old West. No such thing. Wagons needed four wheels…four good wheels…four wheels with lots of grease in the axels. »

an emotional week

an emotional week

Wednesday will be a tough day for us. Our daughter Jessica and her 4 month old baby girl, Sophia will be leaving us and heading back to their home in Guatemala. Actually, Sophie has never been there. She was born prematurely on April 22 and the doctors have just released her.  If you haven’t heard [...] »