Author: ourCOG

I am a preacher.

I offer this piece with a simple disclaimer: I don’t think everything I wrote is entirely true.  Well at least, the part where I say I know no identity but that of a preacher.  I really am indeed first and foremost God’s beloved son, and that is the identity that is infinitely deeper than anything [...] »

RT JosephADangelo "If you ever lose the weight of the cross, you’ve lost the meaning of ministry." -Paul Walker #WalkerSeminar #OurCOG

RT JosephADangelo "If you ever lose the weight of the cross, you've lost the meaning of ministry." -Paul Walker #WalkerSeminar #OurCOG »

thru the Bible

thru the Bible

Tomorrow marks the conclusion for me of 90 days through the Bible. I utilized to help me track progress. I have read my way through all 66 books on my smart phone and Mac, not one page from my printed Bible. I have to say that it has been an intense three months of [...] »

Adversity: Burden or Bridge

Sunday August 28, 2011  8:30am - Pastor Ronnie Reid »