You Can’t, If You Do Not Know How
When I saw Laila I was captured. I do not know that it was love at first sight. But it was something that has not turned me loose. »
When I saw Laila I was captured. I do not know that it was love at first sight. But it was something that has not turned me loose. »
Many of you know my “Holy Ghost ipod shuffle” phenomenon theory. I can tell you that I believe the principle also applies to book selection, at least when you are walking in the Spirit. As Amanda and I were gone on vacation driving along coastal Maine and Canada, we went in as many used bookstores [...] »
It FIRES me UP when the people around me get FIRED UP about new ways to reach people 4 Jesus. @zachbailey92 #riseup #elementchats #ourCOG »
As pastor of Bethesda Church of God, I would like to issue a very special thank you to North End Rentals for their donation of the tent and chairs used for this years Tent Revival. I pray that God will especially bless their business. Please visit them... »