Author: ourCOG

Christian books, movies, or methods to help reassure my faith?

Christian books, movies, or methods to help reassure my faith?

I need something that will restore my faith or help me understand more. I’m a teenager and I want to believe in God, I really do, and I believe in him, I just need more reassurance. I’m sure everyone goes through this at sometime in their life, I just want something to "cement" my faith. [...] »

Does it show a lack of faith in God to ask other people to pray for you?

If you can go straight to God then why ask other people to pray for you, unless you have no faith God can even hear you? »

What are some good, effective methods to cure insomnia?

I get frequent bouts of insomnia, as I’m sure we ALL do, but it gets to the point on many nights (and there have been many for me, believe me) where I can’t fall asleep no matter how hard I try and yet I’m so damn tired. I just lay awake feeling restless. Does anybody [...] »

@henrikjosefsson Try this. It has an English translation >> I’ll Never Leave You nor Forsake You #LONDON2011 #ourCOG

@henrikjosefsson Try this. It has an English translation >> I'll Never Leave You nor Forsake You #LONDON2011 #ourCOG »