Author: ourCOG

RT @jaredwaldrop: Discipleship is a long,dirty process.U hav 2 bready 2 roll up ur sleeves,get2 wrk &stick arnd long enuf 2 make an impact. #stumin #ourCOG

RT @jaredwaldrop: Discipleship is a long,dirty process.U hav 2 bready 2 roll up ur sleeves,get2 wrk &stick arnd long enuf 2 make an impact. #stumin #ourCOG »

Discipleship is a long,dirty process.U hav 2 bready 2 roll up ur sleeves,get2 wrk &stick arnd long enuf 2 make an impact. #stumin #ourCOG

Discipleship is a long,dirty process.U hav 2 bready 2 roll up ur sleeves,get2 wrk &stick arnd long enuf 2 make an impact. #stumin #ourCOG »

“@jaredwaldrop: When you don’t know what to do… Just. Stay. Faithful. #stumin #ourCOG” // Amen! Thanks for this word!

“@jaredwaldrop: When you don't know what to do... Just. Stay. Faithful. #stumin #ourCOG” // Amen! Thanks for this word! »

God Loves You So Much More Than You Can Imagine

Twice in the past week I have had friends comment to me about how God was punishing them, causing them to walk through loneliness and depression. One was questioning God altogether, wondering if they were wrong in even believing that God existed. They ... »