Author: ourCOG

Church of God Evangel Articles About Life Pointe Church #ourCOG

Church of God Evangel Articles About Life Pointe Church #ourCOG »

"I’m Only Human"

Just a short note tonight, hoping to get some others talking about this one with your thoughts, perspective and insight. A couple of weeks ago now, while we were on vacation, I had a bad attitude with someone in a the resort (I really don't even r... »

Church of God Evangel Articles About Life Pointe Church

The January 2011 issue of the Evangel, the official magazine of the Church of God, published two articles about Life Pointe Church. I thought I’d share the PDF documents of those articles here.  If you’d like to access the entire magazine, you can do so at Sharing The Unchanging Gospel in A Changing World [...] »

Ha! True that. RT @bibliata: @revkevinwalker you have an iPhone? AJ Tomlinson would turn in his grave #ourCOG

Ha! True that. RT @bibliata: @BroKEV83 you have an iPhone? AJ Tomlinson would turn in his grave #ourCOG »