Author: ourCOG

Failed Journey, Terminal Friend

We were scheduled to drive to Virginia on Sunday but I was ill.  We left Monday morning and less than an hour into the trip one of our dearest friends was stricken with a terminal illness.  Cammie, had been one of those true friends, rel... »

The Good News of Christmas

The Good News of Christmas

I was out for drive tonight and drove through one of the local parks and just had to stop and admire the beauty of the night. The old fashioned street lights scattered throughout the park cast a reddish hue on the snow while off in the distance other, ... »

EMPOWER—21 days of Prayer and Fasting

JOIN US, January 10th – 30th, as we corporately seek the face of God. »

New Moms Small Group

Join us in January for our new Moms Small Group. »