Author: ourCOG

Coming Sunday, May 1 at 9:45 AM

Our kick-off meeting for new classes will be held in the sanctuary! Frustrated that you can't attend all of the classes? Well join with other adults to hear facilitators of our new May/June SBS classes share about their classes before making your de... »

Ladies Spring Celebration

Tickets will be on sale beginning this Sunday for our great Ladies' Spring Celebration on May 15. They are $5 each, and $3 each for young ladies ages 10 - 17. Be sure to buy one for a friend when you purchase yours! More information to follow---- »

Donate Your Old iPod

If you have an older model iPod that you could donate, our Choir is needing 4 for sectional practices on Thursday evenings. Please contact Pastor Tim Sersen. »

Prayer warriors are ready to lift intercessory prayer.

E-mail requests may be sent to [email protected] . Requests received by 6 p.m. will normally be sent forward that same evening. »