Author: ourCOG

I’ll Put My Faith In God

I’ll Put My Faith In God

Ever since I was old enough to remember, we've been told about the possibility of alien life forms on other planets. Hollywood made movies about alien invasions, and long before I was around, Orson Welles scared the daylights out of millions of radio l... »

Attitude or Gratitude?

“Thou shalt not put people in their place…for thou shalt be put in yours!” The last message here was from the book of James chapter 2… It had to do with one of the concepts of ‘judgment’ in scripture.  Not all the u... »

reclaiming christmas

reclaiming christmas

We launched our Christmas series today at Cross Community Church. It started with “One Word that Can Change Your Christmas: Hope”. If you weren’t able to be with us, you can listen to the message here.   If you are in the area of Palm Beach County, Florida, please come be our guest for an [...] »

Hopefully, I am back!

I just realized I have not posted an article since September. And I've been posting very sparsely this year due to other commitments. I hope I can post more often this month and the next year.It is getting close to Christmas which means we will all be ... »