Author: ourCOG

My Movie Problem

I love and hate movies. Story is my language, my natural medium, the way I understand the world. Give me a long treatise on justification, and I’ll probably listen. Tell me a story to explain it, and I’ll go the whole way. Story, after all, makes the complex comprehensible (little wonder Jesus was so fond [...] »

There is so much to be thankful for!

Posted in cultureKathyleadershipI love classical music and especially holiday classical music and so once Thanksgiving ends (I force myself to wait) I crank up the tunes on my computer and even splurge with a new purchase each season. Last year, I bought Josh Groban’s holiday CD and although it has a touch of pop, I’ve always enjoyed [...] »

RT: @johnwyp Just got a letter saying our denomination is partnering with @edstetzer & LifeWay Research. Awesome! #ourcog

RT: @johnwyp Just got a letter saying our denomination is partnering with @edstetzer & LifeWay Research. Awesome! #ourcog »

Just got a letter saying our denomination is partnering with @edstetzer & LifeWay Research. Awesome! #ourcog

Just got a letter saying our denomination is partnering with @edstetzer & LifeWay Research. Awesome! #ourcog »