Author: ourCOG

Lisa looking gorgeous

Lisa looking gorgeous


Fall MissionLine 2010: Available Now!

The 2010 Fall issue of MissionLine is available online by clicking here! After clicking on the link, you will be updated on what Church of God World Missions is doing around the world, along with other LMR's across the country! »

Mercy Triumphs!

James 2:13 (NASB95) For judgment will be merciless to one who has shown no mercy; mercy triumphs over judgment.  You really must read the other 12 verses of James chapter 2 to get this… but here goes… James seems to be indicting or warning the chu... »

46. I am thankful for CHRISTMAS CARDS…

Okay, OKAY...I've been away from my blog for a few weeks....I do earnestly repent of this....I have returned.I'm doing something today, that I've not done for more than 15 years...I'm sending out about 20 Christmas greeting cards. Why just twenty car... »