Author: ourCOG

The Holy Ghost ipod shuffle phenomenon.

I’m a big believer in the idea that God is actively conspiring to speak all around us.  When He has something He really wants to say, learn to expect the unexpected.  Several years ago, I was going through a dark trial one morning when I decided to go the gym.  I was listening to my [...] »

Stimulating Missions Involvement

A church can be stimulated to growth in its missions interest and involvement if a few people commit themselves to making a concentrated effort on behalf of missions in their church.Their goal should be: to develop a commitment that involves the total ... »

From Bolivia…

Posted in church plantingchurch stuffleadershipOneOhioI’m writing you tonight from Santa Cruz, Bolivia, the largest city in this country of 6 million people in the heart of South America. With Pat Wright and Jonathan Mitchell, we have been traveling through Paraguay and Bolivia since Thursday. We’re coming home tomorrow (Tuesday). The experience of overseas missions has always been spe... »

A Photo In My Bible

Laila and I love to go riding in the country. On one trip our attention was arrested by an unusual sight. A building larger than an ordinary home was partly covered even to the roof with vines. The front doors and some windows were blocked by the grow... »