Author: ourCOG

Here Be Leaders

What do you see? Amid the cars on blocks, the guys lounging on the porch with beer cans and cigarettes, the women with shirts that don’t cover enough, the houses missing windows, the peeling paint, the curling siding—what do you see? I see two groups of sweaty fishermen worn out from a fruitless catch. I [...] »

The Realist And The Optimist

2 Cor 1:88 For we do not want you to be ignorant, brethren, of our trouble which came to us in Asia: that we were burdened beyond measure, above strength, so that we despaired even of life. (NKJ)Some may be surprised to know this verse is even in the ... »

A Sheltered L.I.F.E Moment #ourCOG production from South GA

A Sheltered L.I.F.E Moment #ourCOG production from South GA »

@mdmcmullin we started this site for #ourCOG in the beginning of the year; to be used by missionaries far from home

@mdmcmullin we started this site for #ourCOG in the beginning of the year; to be used by missionaries far from home »