Author: ourCOG

National LMR Rally and Celebration

<!--StartFragment--> Attention all LMRs!The World Missions department is in the early stages of planning a National LMR Rally and Celebration to be held in Cleveland, Tennessee, the weekend of July 22, 2011. As soon as we have more information, you will be receiving a letter in the mail with a schedule of events, as well as more details about this exciting weekend. Please SAVE THE D... »

Worth Following

Leadership is the current hot topic in church lingo. Everybody wants to be a leader. This verse has been running through my mind lately: 1 Cor. 11:1 Imitate me, just as I also imitate Christ. Paul understood that the church in Corinth looked at him as... »

Chronic Pain/Illness and Therapy

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired?  You are not alone. Based on the fact that a high percentage of my clients seem to struggle with some issue of chronic pain or illness, I decided that this … Continue reading → »

Requirements for Righteousness: Grace and Faith-both Gifts from God

The Jews were still asking, “How can a man enter into the right relationship with God so that he too may inherit this great promise?” Their answer was, “He must do so by acquiring merit in the sight of God through doing works which the law prescribes.” That is to say, he must do it [...] »