Author: ourCOG

28. I am thankful for INTEGRITY…

INTEGRITY is defined as "wholeness; uprightness; honesty or soundness of moral principles and character." That pretty much sums it up, huh?Well, not exactly. I agree completely with the definition as rendered. Last night, I had the great blessing ... »

No, I Am Not Dead.

No, I Am Not Dead.

Two months.It's been two months to the day since I last posted. In that time, I have created a short film, jumped off a mountain, been surrounded by skulls, climbed to the top of a 650-year-old cathedral, been in Hitler's bunker, summited the eleventh ... »

More Than a Consumer – a Disciple, a Called Minister

More Than a Consumer – a Disciple, a Called Minister

From Chris Day on his blog talking about his experience at Life Pointe Church when he realized God had a calling on his life…pertinent as we talk about the 5 fold ministry in Ephesians 4:7-16: Very early on during the first year of my fantastic journey one of the new Pastors within my church family [...] »

Leia in flight

Leia in flight
