Author: ourCOG

Middle school Boys Retreat

May 20-21, Middle school boys are going to camp in Roanoke at the state campground. Please contact Pastor Z if you are interested in your middle school boy attending. Paintball, basketball, football and awesome worship time will be some of the activ... »

Girls Night Out

Middle and high school girls are invited to go bowling at Keglers on Saturday, May 21st please bring $5. Please meet at the church at 6 PM. Ilene Stevens and Abby Wells are heading up this event. Please contact Abby Wells at the church office to si... »

Praying for Cleveland, TN

Praying for Cleveland, TN


Wednesday Night Kids Clubs (Preschool to Fifth Grade)

Kids Clubs is a great place for kids to learn about the bible and have fun in a small setting. We have different opportunities for growing. The children can earn badges; attend field trips, and more. Join us Wednesday nights from 6:30pm to 7:45pm. »