Author: ourCOG

What do you consider RICH?

Each of us has his/her own concept of rich. And I am probably correct in saying that most of us consider ourselves rich when we have great material wealth in this world. And that would leave lots of us out of the category of 'rich'. At least, it would ... »

Looking ahead

Most people on the Internet use MySpace, Facebook, or a number of other online sites to keep in contact with friends. We share our lives online!Have you ever stopped to think what would happen if one or all of these sites shut down? Would you continue ... »

Jim Milligan


The Matt Smith Guide to The Medlin Hall Crosswalk.

Ever since the new crosswalk system was installed at Medlin Hall, it has been very entertaining to watch the drivers stop and blink in confusion at the massive lightshow of a crosswalk.Thus, I feel it is in order to provide short guide to crossing the ... »