Author: ourCOG

Weekly Prayer Tips

Weekly Prayer Tips

Every week in my email inbox I receive a "Weekly Prayer Tip" from the National Day of Prayer Task Force.  Each prayer tip includes a scripture and a suggested prayer related to the selected scripture. Thus far, I have found every one of these... »

Cinema: Princess and the Frog Premier

Cinema: Princess and the Frog Premier


The Prayer-Saturated Church

The Prayer-Saturated Church

One of the central themes in my prayer ministry seminars and the online prayer ministries course that I teach at the seminary has to do with cultivating a culture of prayer in the local church. Until I am able to publish on the subject, here is a resou... »


( By Theresa Cerullo)Do you know who the first woman evangelist was? Believe it or not, it was the Samaritan woman at the well in John, Chapter 4.  In those days, no woman in her right mind went to a well outside of town at high noon unless she ha... »