Author: ourCOG

Anticipating Change

Change. Sometimes it can be frightening. Also, sometimes, even after change has occurred, we can still be surprised and startling. I recently put a suit of armor in my office to store for a short while before returning it to its owner. I knew it wa... »

Quick update & random remarks

Quick update & random remarks

I apologize for the hiatus since my last post. A few weeks ago, I took a much-needed vacation to beautiful Longboat Key Florida. I've always been fond of sunsets, and this trip provided a few great photo opportunities. This one was taken with my cel... »

The Reason for God

Due to my busy schedule in May / June, my reading has taken a back seat until the last couple of weeks. To end my reading fast, I pick up Tim Keller's The Reason for God: Belief in an Age of Skepticism. (Here is a link to the book's website.) Dr. Kelle... »

Jesus Prayed For You Today

I read this passage of scripture this morning and felt compelled to share it with you. Read it and be encouraged today...and also be reminded that you are always on His mind no matter where you're at or what you're going through. But at the same time, ... »