Author: ourCOG

Leading like a coach

I like the coaching paradigm for leadership.  A coach should be looking at the long-term implications of the current practices.  He or she should be developing the current talent, constantly recruiting new talent, and then putting people into roles w... »

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Neil’s Notes 2009-05-21 23:39:00

Neil’s Notes 2009-05-21 23:39:00

The Need To Push When The Urge Is Missing It's been awhile since I've blogged, for sometime now I haven't felt creative so I just stopped. Funny how the things we love to do fall by the wayside during times of transition, how we retreat and hide dur... »

Lee Singers in Germany

There has been quite a bit going on and little time for blogging. Today, I hope to post a few news items that relate to our work in Europe.First, the Lee Singers (Lee University, Cleveland, TN, USA) are currently on tour in Germany. Tom helped them fin... »