Author: ourCOG

Is this cool or disturbing?

Is this cool or disturbing?

I don't know if this is cool or disturbing. Some guy in the Toronto area made himself an android girlfriend! The man is a software engineer, and he designed Aiko, in the picture above. She is quite lifelike, isn't she? He has equipped her body with sen... »

Neil’s Notes 2008-11-29 12:46:00

Neil’s Notes 2008-11-29 12:46:00

Just Some Stuff I've got a lot of stuff going on right now, our lives are taking some new turns, we have stepped into a sudden season and things are moving quickly. I continue to be amazed at the goodness and the faithfulness of the Lord and am so th... »

Thank God

Thank God

This is the first church that I pastored. In 1985 I was asked to serve as the Interim Pastor of the Caribou Church of God in Caribou, Maine. There were seven people in the congregation--me, my wife, our infant son, and four other people. I received no... »

Neil’s Notes 2008-11-26 22:45:00

Neil’s Notes 2008-11-26 22:45:00

It doesn't get any better than this! I got up this morning because of these two, I will walk through hell itself for these two, and my life, my future will continue because of these two. Julie and I are the most blessed people in the world. Kaitlin, ... »