Author: ourCOG

Pentecostal Kenotic Christology Part 2

This is the second post of the Series on Pentecostal Kenotic Christology Jesus surrendered His glory in order to be human; consequently, this important concept needs to have other scriptural backing. First, 2 Corinthians 8:9 states, “For you know th... »

The Power of Framing and/or Reframing

The Power of Framing and/or Reframing

The aesthetic value of a picture is enhanced or diminished by how it is framed. This is why people will often spend more on a frame than they do on a picture or painting. A great picture in a bad frame looks cheap, while an average picture in a great... »

Prophesy Preaching; really, preaching the prophets

Really sucked you in with that title, eh? Anyway, something I have been thinking about for a week is how my context uses the prophetic texts in sermons. The Prophets are rich and expansive in what they tell us both about God's character and the human h... »

Pause and Reflect 2008-05-25 13:11:00

Hey look for updates and pictures of the family at! »