Author: ourCOG

OK, that’s it for now. Putting some thoughts out as I prepare sermon: "A Living Hope & a Holy Life" from 1 Peter for Sun. morning! #OurCOG

OK, that's it for now. Putting some thoughts out as I prepare sermon: "A Living Hope & a Holy Life" from 1 Peter for Sun. morning! #OurCOG »

This life is fleeting and temporary, let our minds be fixed on our eternal inheritance in Christ Jesus. #OurCOG

This life is fleeting and temporary, let our minds be fixed on our eternal inheritance in Christ Jesus. #OurCOG »

Jesus has bought us back from the tyranny of sin with His own "precious blood" (see 1 Peter 1). #OurCOG

Jesus has bought us back from the tyranny of sin with His own "precious blood" (see 1 Peter 1). #OurCOG »

The importance of Hell is found in this: The things that we do, and choices that we make, in this life actually do MATTER. #OurCOG

The importance of Hell is found in this: The things that we do, and choices that we make, in this life actually do MATTER. #OurCOG »