Author: ourCOG

Funny Church Moments

Funny Church Moments


I am spreading the word

I am worried about the future of this country. I know things are supposed to get bad one day,but I don't want to carry an us idCard next year. We are heading for some hard times. No chip for my next baby. I think we are closer than anyone wants to admit to having a dictator of our own right here in the good ole USA. Land of the free and "home of the sleepy let someone else worry about my free... »

Podcast Top Ten

Podcast Top Ten

Here's an updated list of my favorite podcasts. As I am contemplating my favorite podcasts, I am wondering how we ever lived without them. This past Christmas I received a video iPod and have been hooked on podcasts ever since. So, here's my favs ri... »

I did think this would happen

I did think this would happen

Greetings. I am not surprised by my haitus (sp). The new job, new puppy, and what not have taken a large bite out of my time. They are both good things, and I am happy with them. I am sorry I have been so absent. I will attempt to check in more regu... »