Author: ourCOG

I did think this would happen

I did think this would happen

Greetings. I am not surprised by my haitus (sp). The new job, new puppy, and what not have taken a large bite out of my time. They are both good things, and I am happy with them. I am sorry I have been so absent. I will attempt to check in more regu... »

Will the real Gospel please stand up?

Will the real Gospel please stand up?

The following post is based upon a comment that was left at Pete's Blog I preached this last Sunday at our Church on the Spirit of Adoption. One of the points that I made (yes I had two points. I am sorry to disappoint everyone. I promise that I wi... »

Georgy in Guatemala and other sundry items

Hello. My name is Chris Powell and this is my blog. I realize that most everyone knows this, but I feel as though I should reintroduce myself following my apparent blogging death. I have been extremely busy attending to the needs and process of havi... »

Apostle’s Creed, #3

"I believe in God, the Father Almighty,"When I think of the word “Father,” I have so many images that flood my mind. My own dad, and my memories of him as I grew up. I remember going camping with my family and how Dad led in the fun. I remember Dad playing ball with my brothers and I, hitting the ball to us as we played 500. Reading to us. Dad worked hard and planned for our family’s pro... »