Author: ourCOG

Free From Religion

Free From Religion


Apostle’s Creed, #2

"I believe in God."The apostle is not afraid to tell the world that s/he believes in God, and believes God. I know that our world claims to be spiritual, but is it spiritually lost. The apostle who stands and says "I believe God" is proclaiming the lostness of the world and his/her willingness to be at odds with the world.Years ago, I defined the "I'm OK, You're OK" S... »

Apostle’s Creed, 1

"I believe"One of the oldest confessions of the Christian faith begins with these two simple words, "I believe." So simple, yet these words are a profound confession to the world that I believe that which God has said.I was not there when God formed the sun, moon, earth and stars, but I believe that He did it.I was not there when God created man from the dust of the ground, but... »

Love Divine

Well, I'm back again, and I am going to start doing some blogging about Church music and beliefs.I want to start with an old hymn, Love Divine, All Loves Excelling (#384 in the Methodist Hymnal.)We sang this hymn this past Sunday, and I found myself ve... »