Author: ourCOG

Vacation Time

I am tacking a couple months off to chill awhile. We are at the coffee shop and Lynde and Josiah are watching their iPod while I check email, pay bills, and blog. We do have a busy month, two showers and going to help a friend move seems a lot to do bu... »

Doubters Anonymous

Doubters Anonymous

There's no doubt about it. We all doubt at some point in our lives. Whether we doubt our faith, God's goodness, or just His willingness to work miracles in our lives, we could all subscribe to "Doubters Anonymous."Think it's doubtful that God can use ... »

My New Toy

2007 500EFI Deluxe Edition »

My Next Phone

I am like crazy stoked. This is going to be the wildest phone ever. This makes the Palm Treo or Blackberry look like an modern Etch-a Sketch.The technology in this phone is so far advanced it will be five years before anyone else can touch this product. All I can say is "wow". Everyone knows about my affinity for Apple but this even surprised me. I watched the keynote address and was blo... »