Author: ourCOG

Text Google to Get Your Info

Text Google to Get Your Info

We are definitely in the technology age. Recently, I seen on the news that you can text Google SMS for information such as: Phone numbers, addresses, driving directions, definitions, local businesses, etc. This is a big deal for me! I can't tell you ho... »

Schoolhouse Rock

Schoolhouse Rock

Invisible Image and Something like Simon did the school house rock at the "Night of Jam" Saturday night. That’s right, we literally did rock the schoolhouse, as our venue is the Port Charlotte High School auditorium.Although a local radio station d... »

iGod: Little "i" and a big "GOD"

iGod: Little "i" and a big "GOD"

Little "i" and a big "GOD"--thats how it should be! Instead, we go through life without the satisfaction of knowing God's greatest purpose for our lives.This Life Pointe message series will help you download, shuffle, sync, and live a God interactive l... »

Cooper David

Cooper David

While Jeremy and Corrie attended their state ministers meeting Monday and Tuesday, Cooper David invaded our home. What a treat! We had a blast and were so happy to have him in our home. By the way, if you need to know anything about Baby Einstein CDs,... »