Author: ourCOG

The Secret Message of Jesus

The Secret Message of Jesus

I just finished reading the secret message of Jesus last week. Let me say first of all that I really enjoyed the book and would recommend it to anyone. Having said that, if you have read McLaren's other works, then you have a good idea of what he is ... »

Dr. King and my trip to Montgomery

Dr. King and my trip to Montgomery

It's funny how you miss things. I was born in Montgomery and lived in Wetumpka (just outside of Montgomery) for several years. I knew that Montgomery was famous for it's historical sites. However, living in the south we were primarily told about the... »

My new addiction

My new addiction

Here's my new addiction: Othello (sometimes known as Reversi). Actually I am addicted to the computer version and have not actually played the real life version. I had never played this game until about two weeks ago and now I can't quit! »

Film Review: Capote

Film Review: Capote

After much anticipation, Holly and I finally set down long enough to watch Capote last night. I have to say first and foremost, the film was great! If you are not in any way attached to Capote, ie love of literature, love of people with really weird ... »