Author: ourCOG

A.T. Lowery

A.T. Lowery

I have an “easy” memorial service tomorrow. By easy, I don’t mean simple or painless or shallow. I mean “easy” because there is no doubt about how this man lived or where he is now. The most difficult part will be to narrow down what to talk about so we are not there all day. [...] »

Telling Headline

Telling Headline

I was browsing through the Church of God website today when I found this interesting headline. Instead of saying that a conference discussing the church planting mandate was postponed it says that the church planting mandate itself is postponed. While I am sure that is merely a case of bad wording for a headline, but [...] »

Church Ministry’s "Collapse of Distinction"

I just finished another "must read" (in my opinion) secular/business book by Scott McKain entitled, "the collapse of distinction." Needless to say, This book "rocked" my thought process.Romans 12:2 "be Transformed by the renewing of your mind"I find myself sleepless at night trying to "unpack" his business concerns and advise and push it into this church world i live in. Merging his content from t... »

Long Day #ourCOG #ourCOG

Long Day #ourCOG #ourCOG »